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Marketing Labs is climate positive: Working with Ecologi

Date of post

2 December 2020

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3 mins

We are dedicated to reducing our impact on the environment, which is why we chose to support Ecologi

Marketing Labs is incredibly proud to announce that we are doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint by working with Ecologi. Looking after the environment and reducing the negative effect we have on it is important to all of us at Marketing Labs and through Ecologi, we are able to do this on a monthly basis.


What does Ecologi do?

Ecologi is a platform for climate action. Each month, the funds we put into the charity are used to fund the planting of trees around the world, as well as carbon-reducing projects.

Planting trees is a vital part of tackling the current climate crisis and preventing ecological collapse. Ecologi is partnered with The Eden Reforestation Projects to plant millions of trees around the world. We are able to see every tree that we have helped plant, including where it is planted and how old it is, allowing us to track the growing Marketing Labs Woods.

Marketing Labs is climate positive: Working with Ecologi, Marketing Labs Ecologi resultsOther projects being funded through Ecologi can include activities like rainforest protection, wind farms, and hydropower, all of which work to reduce the number of greenhouse gasses being released. Just as with the organisation’s tree planting, these projects can be found all around the world.


Why we chose Ecologi

Here at Marketing Labs, we are firm believers in being a positive part of not only our community but the wider world. We know that every action we take can have an impact on the environment and so it is important to ensure that we are helping to look after it.

On top of this, Ecologi works with local communities to provide employment opportunities. Locals in places like Madagascar are employed to plant trees and as part of carbon-positive projects.

Working with Ecologi allows us to see the positive impact we have had every month and means we are part of larger projects that look after the planet and communities. We are also able to talk to other businesses about the great work Ecologi does to help spread the word and bring more people on board.

Marketing Labs is climate positive: Working with Ecologi, ecologi banner


Becoming carbon positive

We are really happy to be able to say that Marketing Labs has been climate positive for six months. This means that we actively help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This is all part of our goal to become a fully accredited carbon neutral business.

Since supporting Ecologi, we have helped plant over 2,500 trees in Britain and across the rest of the world. We have also encouraged many other organisations to get involved and start planting trees with Ecologi.

On top of this, the projects we have helped fund have removed almost 35 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This is the same amount of CO2 that would be released into the atmosphere from a car driving 86,785 miles!


Our community and charity work

Ecologi is not the charity project that we at Marketing Labs support. Our support of the wider community is an important pillar of our business that we will continue to work on. This is why we are incredibly proud to work with other organisations beyond Ecologi, including:

  • Unite UK – An LGBTQ+ support group that shares the voices of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Help Us Grieve (HUG) – An organisation that provides help and support for parents following the loss of a baby.
  • Lighthouse Homes – A charity that is working to eradicate homelessness and to provide homes with care and support.
  • Retford United Juniors – A football team for all age groups that helps to encourage social bonding and healthy lifestyles among children aged 7 to 16.
  • FOKE (Friends of King Edwin School) – Raising funds to benefit the development of the children at King Edwin School.
  • Friends of Holywells Park – A volunteer group helping to increase the local enjoyment of a 67-acre area of parkland near Ipswitch.
  • Life is Fragile – Following the mental health journey of Daniel Kerley after the untimely loss of his dad.

Post author

Mel left university with a first-class degree in English Language and Linguistics and after more than ten years as a marketing manager working for organisations across various industries, she left employment behind and struck out on her own as a freelance writer.

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